Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tips for Purchasing a Digital Camera Lens

Your lens is an capital aspect to acceptable photographs. It's not just your camera. Humans absorb bags of dollars on a acceptable camera and carelessness the lens.
Change that around! Make abiding you buy a acceptable camera lens if purchasing a camera. Buy a acceptable camera as well, but don't carelessness a acceptable camera lens.
Why? Your camera is just the 'holder' for the photograph. The lens is what your camera sees all your shots through. A acceptable lens is capital to bright and aciculate photos.
With a lot of bunched agenda cameras, you can't change the lens. So in that case, don't just buy a acceptable camera, ensure it aswell has a acceptable lens.
Avoid a artificial agenda camera lens because it doesn't accept the accuracy of a bottle lens.
What archetypal of lens?
Stick with camera lenses from able-bodied accepted manufacturers like Nikon, Canon and Pentax. Ensure you acquirement a lens that works with your camera too. A Nikon camera lens usually will not plan able-bodied with a Canon camera.
There are specialty lens manufacturers like Carl Zeiss, Leica and Leupold. If you're a beginner, don't anguish about these lenses until you are added avant-garde as they appear with actual top prices and it's harder to absolve the bulk for the baby access in quality.
Types of Camera Lens
The a lot of accepted lenses are : Avant-garde Angle, Normal and Telephoto. The blazon of lens is bent by the Focal Breadth of the lens. See below. A Zoom Lens is artlessly a lens that can change Focal Breadth from a Avant-garde Bend to a Telephoto (or about between).
There are a bulk of things to attending for if purchasing a camera lens.
Lens Focal Length
The Focal Breadth of a lens determines the bulk of deepening and bend of vuew the lens can see. The Focal Breadth is abstinent in mm. It's the Focal Breadth that determines if the lens is a:
- Avant-garde Angle; baby magnification, avant-garde bend of view. 20mm to 35mm
- Traditional, or Normal; 50mm
- Telephoto; top magnification, attenuated bend of view; 105mm to 300mm.
- Zoom; A Zoom lens can change it's focal breadth to zoom in. A Zoom lens ability accept a Focal Breadth of amid 50mm and 150mm.
Some lenses are changeable amid blur cameras and agenda cameras, but you charge to be acquainted that the able focal breadth CHANGES amid blur and digital. The focal lengths I call aloft are for FILM cameras and charge to be assorted by 1.6 to get the able focal breadth on a agenda camera. So application a blur 35mm lens on a agenda camera has an able focal breadth of 56mm.
What does this beggarly for you? It agency that you will not get as avant-garde bend on a agenda camera as you would on a blur camera application the aforementioned lens. A 35mm lens which gives a average avant-garde bend on a blur camera acts as a acceptable lens on a agenda camera
This is a circuitous subject, so I can't go into too abundant detail here. If you charge added help, the best being to allege to would be your bounded camera store's citizen expert.
Lens Speed
The 'speed' of a agenda camera lens aswell defines a lens. The acceleration is bent in f-stops and is agnate to the f-stop breach ambience on your camera. Faster lenses are added big-ticket and usually heavier.
Focusing Distance
This is the minimum ambit from the camera lens that a accountable accept to be to be in focus. Don't anguish about accepting a camera with a abutting absorption distance. Concentrate on a telephoto instead.
More Avant-garde Features
More big-ticket lenses accept added avant-garde features.
- Beating Reduction. A affection alleged 'vibration reduction' keeps images bluff if cutting in low light. They advice to adverse any beating in the camera. Try to acquisition a agenda camera lens with this feature.
- USM USM stands for Ultrasonic Motor. This affection of Canon lenses gives you a top acceleration auto focus but the capital account is the 'motor' is about silent, so you don't afflict humans about you if your camera is focussing.
- Clarify Thread. If purchasing a half-decent lens, it should accept a clarify thread. This is a cilia that allows you to spiral on a clarify (such as a polariser) to advice if photographing difficult situations. Even if you don't charge filters appropriate now. it's accessible to acquirement a lens with a cilia so you can add a clarify later.
You get what you pay for
Generally the added big-ticket the lens, the bigger it is. Added big-ticket lenses usually accept a college bulk of bottle elements in the lens, which aswell makes them heavier.
Final Notes
While it is important to accept acceptable superior camera lens, for beginners it isn't as important as acceptable composition. Don't abatement into the allurement of cerebration you can alone yield a abundant account with an big-ticket top-of-the-line lens. A abominably composed account will not attending abundant with a abundant camera lens.
I don't beggarly to abatement the accent of a acceptable superior lens. A acceptable aphorism is to alone add to your lens accumulating alone if you accept a specific charge for a accurate agenda camera lens.
Do your analysis and your appointment first, and acquisition the lens that apparel both you and your camera.

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